How Post-Surgery Rehabilitation Drives Recovery

Bodyharmonix delivers a range of elite physical performance services, geared to maximising your recovery time and outcomes, following surgery. Our goal is to work with your biomechanical systems to return your functionality and support your quality of life. It is however crucial that you consider a prehabilitation program prior to your surgery. You can read more about the value of this wellbeing choice in an earlier article, No Nonsense Surgery Prehabilitation .

Common Surgeries and Procedures

Post-surgical clients at our wellness centre may have had:

  • Joint replacement
  • Arthroscopy
  • Reconstruction of attachments such as ligaments and tendons
  • Hernia operations
  • Spinal operations
  • Surgery for fractures and breaks

Biomechanical Rehabilitation Program

Our in-house physiotherapist will consult with you to design your personalised self-management program. Some of the functional exercises included in your program will seek to mimic your physical motions of daily living/training. Other biomechanical patterns though, will be specific to your post-surgical needs. As post-op recovery can take as long as a year, it is vital you commit to the early post-operative rehabilitation (EPR; usually about 4-12 weeks) (Jielile et al., 2016). Why? Because you’ll be more likely able to reduce your maintenance care to fortnightly routines.  

Your time invested at our Biomechanical Lab will target neurophysiological pain alleviation, musculoskeletal support, and extension of your range of movement (ROM). Importantly the protocols set by your orthopaedic specialist will be incorporated into your program. Massage is often included in your recovery schedule, and protected mobilisation may also be included. Rehabilitation in a safe and supportive environment enables your healing to be rapid, comprehensive and decreases the likelihood of complications.

Managing Your Wellness and Recovery 

Ultimately, post-operative management of your orthopaedic surgery is a blend of our physiotherapy services, and your grit in adapting the lifestyle changes needed to meet self-management goals. Post-operative care will enhance your healing and overall physical performance, in terms of your strength, stability, and range of motion.

You can Call 03 9191 0512 or book online.


Charmayne Paul, Bodyharmonix Associate, of Psych and Stats Tutor ~ Chart your course to success~



Jielile, J. et al. (2016). Clinical outcome of exercise therapy and early post‑operative rehabilitation for

treatment of neglected Achilles tendon rupture: A randomized study. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 24, 2148–2155 DOI 10.1007/s00167-015-3598-4